First Steps.

The mediation process is founded on the principles of confidentiality and voluntary participation.  The first steps in mediation with Bret Geckeler are agreeing to confidentiality and establishing all parties are willing to mediate.


In preparation for mediation Bret conducts a short teleconference with each side.  These calls are not billed.  Preparation is key, and mediation is no exception.  Bret helps you be as ready as possible.  Expect to gain new perspective during the mediation process, starting here. 


If it is important enough for you to include in a written statement, Mr. Geckeler wants to know about it.  Parties are encouraged to address legal and factual weaknesses and strengths, procedural history, upcoming case events, pertinent documentary evidence, damages analyses, and the course of prior negotiations.  

Mediation Day.

Mediations are conducted virtually, at an office agreed to by both sides, or at a mediation office in Downtown Visalia.  Parties typically start in caucus and speak privately with the mediator.  Bret may request a joint session where he can speak with all sides and their attorneys in the same room – usually for a specific, limited purpose.  Bret avails himself to both sides during the process in order to help brainstorm solutions, weigh negotiation strategies, or help with whatever other demands arise.

Bret Geckeler (Bret Geck) Mediation
Bret Geckeler (Bret Geck) Mediation

The Mediation Process.