Bret Geck Mediator of Litigated and Commercial Disputes
Bret Geck Mediator of Litigated and Commercial Disputes


CV & Rate Sheet.


To schedule your mediation, email Case Manager, Nikki Safavi, at or call (661) 877- 4444.  

Bret's direct line is (661) 205-5106.

Mailing Address. 

6077 Coffee Rd., Ste. 4 PMB 1033, Bakersfield, CA 93308

Current Rates.

Mediation fees are $3,500 for a half day and $5,500 for a full day.  Half days include up to five hours of mediation time, and full days include up to ten hours of mediation time.  Single plaintiff employment matters are billed at $6,500 per day.  Complex cases including multiple defendants, class actions, PAGA, and other matters requiring extraordinary preparation are billed at $8,000.  All prep, case management, and travel in Central and Southern California is included.  See my Rate Sheet for further billing and cancellation policies.